Thanks to the generous support from local businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals, we're able to offer this camp for FREE.
Your financial support directly impacts the foster keiki on Maui. By working hand in hand with foster parents and social services, we can change the trajectory of these children's futures for the better.
All donations are securely managed by Grace Church - Maui, the sponsor of the Maui Chapter of Royal Family KIDS Camp. They are allocated to a restricted dba account exclusively for the camp's purpose.
To donate, simply click the button below, which will direct you to the church website. Remember to designate your gift to "Royal Family Kids Camp" from the pull-down menu.
Prefer texting your donation? You can do so at 808-877-4132. Just include "RFK" along with the dollar amount, and your contribution will be directed to the RFK account.
Your donation is tax-deductible.
MAHALO for your partnership!